Sapphire Engine

2019 – Ongoing

I have been developing this 2D Platformer Game Engine as a personal project.
My goal was to broaden my allround skills regarding programming and applying the knowledge I have gained in the past years to create a user-friendly game engine.

In my engine, the user is able to place and manipulate Objects and switch between Game and Edit mode seamlessly.

The project is available on my Github project page.


The current version includes:

  • Self-made sprites to use as assets
  • Placing a Player, Actors and Objects
  • Selecting an Object, moving it around or deleting it
  • Multiple options to select Objects: with the cursor individually, by drawing a selection box, or selecting them in the Hierarchy window
  • Spawn new Objects by making use of the Content window
  • Instantly test the level in Game mode and revert back to Edit mode on the go
  • Saving the current level and loading a previously saved version.

  • What I learned:

  • Using several open source libraries to achieve certain features, such as loading images and serialization
  • Imagining the potential user(s) and how they would use the tools I provide.

  • Development Tools:

  • Visual Studio
  • C++
  • Photoshop

  • Libraries used:

  • OpenGL (graphics library)
  • Stb_image (image loading library)
  • Cereal (serialization library)
  • ImGui (user interface library)
  • Contact